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Limitation of Liability Statement

Additional disclaimer. Company “escoreit, LLP” and candidate (tester) understands and agrees that any
assessment provided by company, results the individual’s performing by assessment, exam and data
collected, and the inferences drawn are only broad measurements and by their nature are subject to
varying interpretation.


Client understands and agrees that while company believes these services can
provide one reasonable measure of individual knowledge in certain areas of the client’s industry and for
the employment, company does not warrant the accuracy of the services or the suitability of any
individual candidate for any specialty of endeavor based on such candidate performance in connection
with the services provided.


Client agrees and warrants that, in the event of services are administered
solely in connection with its pre-boarding of hiring employees, personnel decision, and excluding work
or performance related matters. Client waives any claims against company based in whole or in part of
the services provided by escoreit, LLP and end-users of the services.



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